
The Metro DC Health Information Exchange (MeDHIX) was developed as part of an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Grant 2005-2008. The primary objective of MeDHIX is to provide a health summary to emergency department providers to promote enhanced quality, safety and efficiencies in healthcare for the low-income, uninsured or underinsured populations within the metro DC area.

Data provided may not represent the complete patient history. Confirm all information with the patient and solicit additional information.
Mental Health, Drug Abuse and HIV data is not included in the basic eChart as per the following statutes:
Virginia: 12.1-127.1;32.1-36., 27.2-400; District of Columbia: DC Code 7-12 0 1, DC-Code 7-12-2, DC-Code 7-1203;
Maryland: MD Code Ann Health Gen 18-338.1, 4-307

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Data provided may not represent the complete patient history. Confirm all information with the patient and solicit additional information. Mental Health, Drug Abuse and HIV data is not included in the basic eChart as per the following statuses: Virginia: 12.1-127.1;32.1-36., 27.2-400; District of Columbia: DC Code 7-12 0 1, DC-Code 7-12-2, DC-Code 7-1203; Maryland: MD Code Ann Health Gen 18-338.1, 4-307

Questions: Contact PCC Support Team, support@primarycarecoalition.org